Thursday, June 9, 2011

I have EVERY Disease Known to MAN!!!!!

This past week I had written a post on Cystic Fibrosis. I learned a lot of the outcomes, symptoms, signs, precursors  and science behind it. But this got me worried. You see as you learn more and more about pathology you start to feel like you may be experiencing exactly what it is you are reading. This week I had fluid in my lungs ( wet cough), I sweat quite a bit, and Metabolically I feel malnutritioned.

"This MUST be Cystic Fibrosis!" I thought. "Im GOING TO DIE AT THE AGE OF 30! MY life is could this happen!" and immediately I started to research the chances of me having it. This almost immediately led me to the conclusion that I was acting like a complete fool. I mean yes I had a cough, which could be a sign of CF.......OR about a million other things, including a spring cold. And yes I felt Malnutritioned which is a cardinal sign of pancreatic failure.......OR I am a student who probably doesn't eat as well as I should. And yes I was hot and sweaty all week so I MUST HAVE CF!!!......OR It could simply be a week of bad storms and humidity......

This got me wondering what it is like to be a Doctor when taking someones history. I mean If someone told me they had sweats, cough, a high temp, and feeling like they are missing out on several minerals and nutrients I would probably feel a bit fizzled. I mean these are signs that our body are fighting something....anything at all. How exactly do Doctors sift through all of the extraneous information to come to a clear diagnosis? I guess I will find out sooner rather than later. But for now I will stick with the fact that I have EVERY DISEASE KNOWN TO MAN!!!

P.S.- I found a rather intriguing article about being sick....or rather acting sick and how to be a professional  ENJOY! How to Fake being Sick    

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