Saturday, June 11, 2011

Osteopathic or Allopathic?

It is a conundrum that most pre-med students face at some point in their decision. Do I apply for Osteopathic or Allopathic Medical school? After doing a bit of research Im not sure there is a real difference other than the initials after your name. Other than about 200-500 extra hours of manual osteopathic musculoskeletal training you receive in OD, MD is virtually indistinguishable. And OD's generally receive the same chance in residency placement come that faithful March day! The pay is also generally indistinguishable. So there in lyes the question, which to apply for? In my case it will come down to my life restrictions. I live in Milwaukee Wisconsin and I would like to keep it that way If I can help it. This means the furthest I would look to go for Medical school is Chicago. That being said it narrows it down to just a handful of medical schools, only one of which is an Osteopathic Medicine school and that is CCOM or Chicago College of Osteopathic Medicine. The other options that I may consider are obviously the Medical College of Wisconsin ( the building next to the hospital I currently work at), UW College of Medicine in Madison Wisconsin, and about a dozen or so Illinois colleges of Medicine all of which are Allopathic.

Another aspect to consider, although it is the ONE small difference between the two, is the manual therapy hours you gain in Osteopathic Medicine. In OD you gain the experience of learning real manual therapy techniques designed to increase your scope of medicine. This can only be a good thing. I mean not only will it increase your ability to provide care but, hey, why not use those body techniques at home on a significant other ;) Who doesn't love a good massage? In any case I think whatever I choose to attend (or which ever of them chooses me I should say) I will be happy with the education I am provided.    

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