Saturday, June 4, 2011


To start off this blog I'd like to take a minute just to introduce myself. Firstly I am a future physician, a future care taker that has set out on finding his way to the ultimate goal of "Doctorhood".  An ultimate goal that I think many students out there are pursuing and I would like to wish you all good luck because if you are reading this post it is probably because you are dedicated and interested in a common denominator that will one day spur the making of a new generation of physicians. As I am writing this post, the first of many to come, I am not sure I will succeed. And like many of you I am intimidated and scared at the prospect of devoting the better half of my young adult and adult life in a chase that could possibly run me into the ground, it could possibly ruin me. But also, like you, I feel that it also has a damn good chance of bringing  me everything that I search for in life, happiness, self accomplishment, societal accomplishment, the chance to give back to the world, and above all the chance to save peoples lives.

I am currently pursuing a bachelors in Biomedical sciences with an emphasis in Radiological technologies, and I will be starting my two year clinical process this coming september. For those of you who don't know, a Radiological Technologist is a professional who accurately and timely produces diagnostic x-ray films that can be used by a Radiologist to project a course of treatment for that particular patient. Some of you may be wondering "why go through becoming a Rad Tech if you want to become a doctor?" This can be answered easily in one word: timing. It was not until last year that I decided I wanted to become a Medical Doctor. By that point I had already devoted 3 years of my life to my bachelors. Was this such a bad thing? To me it seems to be the best case scenario, like most of you I decided to become a Doctor as a secondary objective. The more I look at my situation I realize that this gives me the chance to not only be a working professional whilst pursuing a challenging goal but also it allows me to get a taste of the real medical imaging world before I begin the arduous task that lays ahead. 

In the following post I will hopefully have a chance to express my experiences as I tread through my educational journey. This journey will consist of 2 years of Radiological Technologist training, 2 years of Premedical studies, mentoring experiences, volunteering opportunities, research involvement, MCAT's, Applications, Medical School, Board Exams, Residency matching, and the Residency itself. Although my particular interest is in Radiology, medical school and training will encompass all levels of medicine and I hope to learn from them all and share with you. 

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