Tuesday, September 20, 2011

A long month

So here I am finally in my professional portion of my Radiological technologies bachelors which consists of class days as well as clinical floor days. Class days will consist of didactic work in the classroom from about 9am to 2 or 2:30 pm, whereas the clinical days will consist of being on the patient floors and wards throughout any of the specialities that this level 1 trauma center offers from 7:30 am. to 4pm. so good experience to be reaped at my clinical location. This past month has been a real challenge for me in that I am not a very organized person. I have been inundated by dates, forms, files, tasks, homework, financial obligations, travel planning, and just plain busy work. And you know what? I LOVE IT! it feels great to finally be learning something that can be directly applied to my future. For instance today was my first day out on the floor (as an intern not an assistant as I usually am) and I was able to position my first patient for a chest x-ray. All in all I can tell that this is going to be a great two years and my class is going to be a blast. Somehow I managed to be the only guy in my 17 person class......so a note to all you guys out there ....STEP IT UP your makin us look bad. Anyhow It has been busy but a blast and I hope it continues to be like that throughout. Things are gonna be different from here on out and I can already start to see myself becoming a real member of the medical community. That being said its going to be a real roller coaster. Below is just a funny comic I saw that definitely made me laugh ;)